Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Welcome to my 1st blog

Okay, so apparently i got sick of myspace and facebook and decided to start a blog. It seemed like the cool new thing to do. So I guess i will occasionally get on here and talk about my ever so important self and give pregnancy updates for my friends and family.
First, after six months straight of billing errors and a Better Business Bureau claim, I finally ditched Sprint! I can't believe I put up with their shit for so long. Not only are they the worst cell phone company I think the are just the worst company period. So for my mother-to-be Mother's Day present I went and got a new company (US Cellular, they had a really great deal)& a new phone. Our phone numbers are the still the same and incoming calls and texts are free, so call (or text) me as much as you want, okay!
So in pregnancy news, I am in my second trimester (18 weeks). My 1st tri went by pretty smoothly, I got a little nauseous sometimes but never threw up. Fatigue is what got me the most, I wanted to sleep all day everyday.
So here's an ultrasound and pic of me from the first trimester.
So far the only big complaint I have in my 2nd tri is heartburn. I carry a bottle of tropical fruit tums everywhere I go. And even though I know it's okay to gain weight because I have to, it still sucks to feel fat.
Otherwise I have been enjoying my first time being pregnant, its really exciting thinking of names, wondering what he/she will look like etc. And thanks to my mother in law I will never have to buy maternity clothes. Which is good because I hate shopping and lucky for me she has good taste. I have been hospital & dr. shopping and I finally made a decision, so now (like all 1st time mom's) I just need to sign up for all the mommy classes, can't wait!! So anyone with advice or questions just write.
Oh and last night I watched "The Business of Being Born" great documentary about maternity care in he U.S., I highly recommend all pregnant women to watch it.

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