I woke up Friday thinking I am getting to old!! I felt tired and nauseous and sore and not too excited about being another year closer to 30! Just for the heck of it I took a pregnancy test because I new I was going to start near my B-day! Imagine my surprise when I looked down and it said "Pregnant" All I could say was OMG. Evan is not even 1 yet!!!! What are we going to about a maternity leave????
After I got over the initial shock and took another test which still said "pregnant" I am very excited. I do like being pregnant and having babies. Evan is perfect and I can't wait to have another one like him. I got out all my pregnancy books (which had absolutely no time to collect any dust), bought some prenatal pills, started back on the Bradley Method diet, and starting to gather some maternity clothes.
Please pray for me & the fetus!! We have a fun 9 months ahead of us!!!!
Oh WOW! Congrats to you both again. Your just a baby makin machine.`