Saturday, June 14, 2008

Is she crazy? She's just niave!

Apparently St. Louis isn't a very natural birth friendly city. I have not been able to find any birth centers in the area and from what I learned from others and read on the internet none of the hospitals around here are very good for a mother wanting a completed un-medicated birth and the best way to go is a home-birth. When I tell my fellow St. Louisians I'm planning a natural birth, they look at me like I'm some kind of space alien. Or give me the "your nuts," "why in the hell," or "oh your new to this mom thing, just wait."
I honestly believe natural birth is the healthiest thing for my baby. I also believe almost all women can give natural birth. (What I mean by can is medical intervention is probably only necessary in a very small %-age of births) So I have decided to ignore most of the negative attitudes I encounter and talk to people who are supportive of me like Adam and my sister Kathy whose done birth both ways. I'll just continue encouraging myself through research, reading, classes, and of course you-tube and other videos of natural birth.
If anyone is interested in some of the things I have been reading or watching: Pushed Birth, Natural Birth & Baby Care, Hip Chick Pregnancy Guide, Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way, Birthing from Within, or see The Business of Being Born. Yes I'll admit I am naive because it's my first time, I have no idea what it will be like but I am trying everything to prepare & educate myself. I've decided to take a Bradley class. It boasts a 90-something % success rate of students having an un-medicated birth. So if anyone has some positive advice or other resources to recommend feel free to leave a comment.

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