Sunday, February 8, 2009

!!!Gettin ready 4 Mardi Gras Season!!!

Evan went to his first Mardi Gras parade this weekend.

Mardi Gras was probably the # 1 thing I missed during those cold & snowy winters in St. Louis. Mrs Vicki, Sara, & I have been taste testing all the King Cakes around, and as of right now we think that Sweet Stuff in Biloxi has the best.

Waiting for the O.S. parade to start

Evan actually caught a bead in his hand and wouldn't let go of it.

Dancing to the Mardi Gras song........

Oh BTW, one great mom product I have discovered is the Cover In Style -Hooter Hiders a.k.a. Cafe Au Lait nursing cover. One of these with a nursing tank top (to hide the stretch marked stomach) will be enough for even the shyest mom to nurse anywhere.